Experience, innovation, quality
Engineering at the forefront
Project Management e Construction Management
Project Management and Construction Management are extremely important. The client is our top priority. We always listen to our clients! All work phases are shared for full transparency. Our team of engineers is always ready to propose the best and most innovative solutions.
We specialize in pharmaceutical design and we are proud to have Pfizer as one of our main partners. We design sterile cleanrooms for the production and processing of pharmaceutical products, as well as classified areas that require specific temperature conditions, humidity, and air cleanliness.
To ensure the highest quality and products safety, our designs are made in accordance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards, which establish rigorous standards in terms of production and management of medications.
Rilievi con
drone e bim
Dati puntuali e attendibili ottenuti grazie al confronto fra tecnologie tradizionali e strumenti topografici con i più moderni droni professionali.
Essi permettono di garantire la massima attendibilità del dato richiesto.
Elaboriamo mappature 3D su piattaforma BIM, il che comporta una notevole riduzione dei tempi per le ispezioni e i controlli sullo stato di manutenzione di strutture ed edifici.
HoloLens e Bim
Per lavorare in modo efficiente e preciso senza usare le mani.
Un dispositivo olografico ergonomico completo senza cavi, con applicazioni aziendali per aumentare la precisione e l’output dell’utente.
Dalla progettazione allo startup
Nei tempi programmati, la costruzione e le fasi di collaudo vengono concertate con un criterio che non prevede tempi morti.
SECIS Services Engineering is a company operating since 1995, in the areas of building and architectural design, engineering, energetics, security and environmental protection. SECIS provides engineering services to the public client service, private, other engineering companies and companies operating in the same sectors.